Saturday 30 May 2020

Nature is pleased with simplicity

Trip to Pitalkhora

1 / 8
Beautiful Nature
2 / 8
3 / 8
Rocky Hills
4 / 8
PitalKhora Jungle
5 / 8
6 / 8
7 / 8
8 / 8
Taking Rest

The Pitalkhora Caves are situated around 50 km from the famous Ellora caves
in Aurangabad.These are rock-cut caves located in the Satamala Hill
Ranges of Maharashtra.Pitalkhora Caves are situated near the town of Kannad
on the Aurangabad-Chalisgaon Road.Pitalkhora is a group of 14 Buddhist
caves which are carved out of basalt rocks. Among 14 rock-cut caves,four 
are chaityas (prayer halls), one has a stupa and the rest are viharas.

October to February is the best time to visit Pitalkhora Caves.  
This is because the hill out of which the caves are carved look 
splendid after the monsoons. It is a visual treat to see the hills 
covered by the lush green cover.

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