Wednesday 26 January 2022


  • React CLI is depends on Node js so first install Node js from
  • After Node js installation we can check its version using: node –version
  • Create folder in D drive named it React Project. Open this folder in command prompt. 
  • To create react application use following command: npx create-react-app my-app 
  • Then do cd my-app & enter. we will go inside the project & now use npm start


• App.css - Used to style the App component. 

• App.test.js - Used to write unit test function for our component. 

• setupTests.js - Used to setup the testing framework for our application. 

• reportWebVitals.js - Generic web application startup code to support all browsers. 

• logo.svg - Logo in SVG format and can be loaded into our application using import keyword. 

PostedBy: pankaj_bhakre

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