Saturday, 6 June 2020

Angular Architecture

1) Modules: It is collection of functions defined as factory.It resemble the single call mechanism

2)Service : It is predefined business logic with a set of factories. It uses singleton mechanism

3)Components: It comprises of UI ,styles & logic that can handle specific functionality in user interface

4) Directive:  It makes HTML more declarative. It converts static DOM into dynamic

5) Pipes: It is predefined function used to filter, sort, format the data.Angular aalows to create custom pipes

6)Selectors: It is responsible for handling component in the UI which includes injecting component & redirection etc

7)Templates: It is predefined component or custom component that can be rolled out  across various page

8)Materials:  It provides predefined component plugins which we can use in our angular application

9)Animations: It provides library to handle 2D & 3D animations of CSS in angular applications

10)Routing: It is technique used to configure user & SEO friendly navigation in application

11)DI (Dependancy Injection): It is software design pattern for handling Re-usability, Maintainability & Testability in application 

Posted By: pankaj_bhakre

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